- Category: News Teamspeak 3 Client
- Read Time: 2 mins
=== Client Release 3.0.0-beta33 - 25 Oct 2010 (never released in stable branch)
* Added a bookmarks label character limit
+ Because of a hotkey search includes bookmarks and channels, it was rather
slow on big servers. The search pattern now must have at least 3 characters.
+ Added Hotkey converter extension to fix a possible crash which can be caused
by invalid or old hotkeys.
- Fixed requesting avatar with 2 connections and same identity
- Fixed Push-To-Talk hotkey in "Test Voice" and also "Delay releasing PTT"
- Fixed disabled sounds when optionspage was closed just with "Cancel"
- Fixed some issues when adding a push-to-talk key manually via hotkey setup
but still using vad
- Server- and channelgroups can now be sorted by setting the new permission
i_group_sort_id. If not set or set to zero, the group ID is considered for
- Support for new permission i_group_show_name_in_tree: Set to 1 to display
the group name before the client name inside the tree. Set to 2 to display
group name behing client name. Set to 0 to ignore (same as not set).
- Fixed expand/collapse indicator not showing when dragging folders in
bookmarks manager.
- Fixed possible crash when deactivating the G15 plugin. Updated Logitech SDK
to version 3.06. Users running Logitech 2.x drivers should update their
G15 drivers.
- Fixed selecting first group when opening the permissions window